Wheat fields
1978s/1980s: Wheat Fields
Wheat fields (but also the inside of woods), calm, lyric and peaceful. A song of solar yellows and transparent greens, which shows a dimension of reality contained in a detail. This dimension of reality can be easily seen by whoever cares to lower their gaze to look at the earth, forgetting the usual references and surrendering themselves to the beat of nature seduced by man’s ways.
During this period Lucatello produced many coloured inks on paper, where the brushstrokes often become so rich that they are almost virtuoso. There are also compact, square or rectangular patches that indulge in a wide range of greens and are both on paper and in oil on canvas.
…“moments of nature”, wrote Pauletto, “of such a joyous truth and lightness, that their green is no longer matter, but dreams and sparkling life; for example certain solar moments of sensational fine painting, sons of a concentration that is hard to imagine”.


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